Female Adult Education & Income Generation Skill
Female Adult Education & Income Generation Skill
The overall objective of this project is to improve quality of life through literacy /education, vocational skills and increased knowledge on health and personal hygiene. The ABES Literacy Program emerged as a proactive response to practical needs and challenges of disadvantaged, rural-based households. It is a multi-faceted family-based literacy and development program that is being implemented in socially deprived and remote rural areas of Punjab. Using an integrated approach to literacy, skills training and community development, the program offers functional literacy, reading and writing skills and numeracy and skill-based training.

The overall objective of this project is to improve quality of life through literacy /education, vocational skills and increased knowledge on health and personal hygiene. The ABES Literacy Program emerged as a proactive response to practical needs and challenges of disadvantaged, rural-based households. It is a multi-faceted family-based literacy and development program that is being implemented in socially deprived and remote rural areas of Punjab. Using an integrated approach to literacy, skills training and community development, the program offers functional literacy, reading and writing skills and numeracy and skill-based training.

Project Status
There are total 28 literacy centers established having an enrolment of 535 women/girl learners. Out of these 8 literacy centers in addition providing vocational skills to learners. These centers are functioning under a teacher who initially received 5 days residential training at ABES Office, Gujranwala. Each literacy center is attached to a Church and the pastor of that Church mainly looks after the day-to-day functioning of the center. Furthermore, a Village Education Committee provides a complete support.
To train illiterate females on functional literacy and numeracy skills enabling them to read the Word of God and be aware.
Establishing centers to provide alternative employment opportunities for vulnerable communities, especially women through imparting literacy combined skill trainings
To raise health awareness for improved health conditions at family and community level.
~Three Components~
Literacy & Numeracy Skills
Income Generating Skill
Health & Personal Hygiene – Awareness Raining
Literacy & Numeracy Skills
Income Generating Skill
Health & Personal Hygiene – Awareness Raining
ABES’s understanding of monitoring and how it carries forward
A basic monitoring system consists of:
- Identified indicators to be examined pertaining to input, including expenditures, Output, outcome and impact
- Means of verification and frequency of data collecting concerning the indicators
- Processing and analysis of the data
- Defining corrective actions
Effectiveness of ABES programs processes that answer the critical questions:
- Are the learners achieving their educational goals and objectives?
- Which parts of the program are working and why they are working?
- Which parts of the program are notworking and why they are not working?
- Has the program helped the learners and their community as a whole?